Greetings APTS Community,
The Virginia weather has finally let us know that winter is here! During the chilly month of December, think of some actions you can take to combat seasonal challenges to keep yourself motivated through the last stretch of the year! You may think of major actions like a big new purchase for you or your family, decorating your favorite space in holiday theme to the nines, or even attending an end-of-year gala! While those major actions can certainly make us feel merry and bright, it is important to consider that small, routine, acts of kindness to yourself and others can be just as meaningful and effective!

Action for Happiness has released their December calendar- DO GOOD DECEMBER! According to the Mental Health Foundation, doing good for others can create a sense of belonging, reduce isolation, improve perspective, increase communal happiness, and encouragement towards self and others (MHF, 2023). We all inevitably feel the pressure of all the holiday "to-dos" in the upcoming weeks, both at APTS/work and on the home front/s. Taking time to intentionally put positivity out into the world can make a huge difference! Some smaller acts of kindness could be calling someone who lives far from you who you haven't spoken to in a while, taking time to congratulate someone for something they have accomplished (big or small!), or leaving a sticky note with a positive message on your co-worker's desk! Any one or combination of these small acts are not only good for us to uplift others, but they also help us accomplish happier, healthier mental health leading to happier, healthier lives.
Also, as we close 2023 we want to acknowledge the individual, group, family, and community grief some of you may be experiencing. "Merry and Bright" doesn't feel so "Merry and Bright" when challenging circumstances such as sickness, financial hardship, grief, loss, or family struggle have or are happening. We want you to know we see you, we are here for you, and in addition to "Merry and Bright" we wish you personal restoration and peace of mind during this holiday season.
Cheers to a "Do-Good" December,